Nearly as good as the original; Tribute bands throughout the world honor the genuine article with precision and near perfect replication. Tribute takes a look at some of America's favorite and most colorful tribute acts. From Fan Halen to Hollywood Roses and back to Led Zepagain. Close your eyes...we've only just begun. Still to come: Led Zepagain ThundHerStruck Hollywood Rose Damage Inc and the very special episode dedicate to the Fans! Executive Produced by Corey Moss, Frank Nicotero and Jason Berger Directed by Jason Berger and Frank Nicotero Produced and edited by Kids at Play in association with Principato-Young Entertainment
Publié 4 years ago
Catégorie Vidéo / USA - Tribute Artists / Tribute - Documentaries / Tribute - SPECIALS
Mots clés van halen van halen tribute fan halen tribute bands best tribute bands USA