Dave Battah Live Just Like Rod Stewart


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Dave Battah sings: Don't Get Around Much Anymore" Phenomenal Canadian-born performer, Dave Battah has impressed audiences from Las Vegas, London to Australia and troops stationed in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Egypt, Israel, Cyprus and even the North Pole with his stunning recreation of the unmistakable vocals of the legend Rod Stewart. He has shared the stage with Elvis, Tom Jones, Neil Diamond and Cher impersonators in the Imperial Palace's highly successful, long running 'Legends In Concert' show. His own 'FOREVER ROD' show appeals to people of all ages, teenagers, mums, dads and grandparents to whom he sings Rod's classics, from Rock N' Roll, ballads and contemporary jazz. Camera person: Zen (Studio Zenon) Live Sound Recording: Guy Saminaden (Soundguy Productions - Sydney Australia)

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