Resultados de la búsqueda smoke on the water

Deep Purple - Burn (cover) 0    0

A cover of Deep Purple's Burn by a group of Slovenian musicians. Vocals - Andrej Reljič Guitar - Klemen Čampa Keyboards - Marko Volk Bass - Marko Srebot Drums - Vid Zgonc Contact: reljic...

TributeProducer 748 Vistas

Deep Purple - Child in Time (cover) 0    0

Cover of the Deep Purple - Child in Time by Slovenian musicians. Vocals - Andrej Reljič Guitar - Klemen Čampa Drums - Andrej Pejo Ipavec Bass - Luka Medvešček Keyboard - Urban Grabenšek ...

TributeProducer 463 Vistas

Highway Star by Tribute Band Made In Purple 0    0

Highway Star Played Live at the Trak Lounge Melbourne 16 August 2013 by the tribute band Made In Purple. Video work by Mark Uren of Coolroomproductions for the Channel 44 digital The Tribute Show M...

TributeProducer 754 Vistas