Sweet Child O' Mine by the Guns N' Roses Tribute Band, Appetite For Destruction played live at the Motor City Music Festival, Geelong Showgrounds 8th March 2014. Produced by Mark Uren and Crew.
688 Ansichten100% KYLIE - Performing Kylie Christmas (Royal Albert Hall UK) All the Kylie Christmas Classics in 1 gigantic Christmas Spectacular Starring Lucy Holmes and produced by Derek Bailey Featuring stunn...
643 AnsichtenSuicide Blonde by INXSIVE was recorded live at Festival Hall. Melbourne. Video by Majer Tom, Mark Uren and crew.
767 AnsichtenThe Kenny Rogers Tribute Act Andy Crust with the Dolly Parton Experience ® Sarah Jayne Performing Islands in the stream at "The Big Tribute Festival". #dollypartontributeband...
1,310 AnsichtenKiller Queen Experience. Australia's only International touring Queen show.
823 Ansichten