The Tribute Show is produced by Jon Powers and Mark Uren, screened on FOXTEL for over 3 years and was receiving more than one million views in the final year of screening on FOXTEL, and can still be s...
893 viewsProduced by Jon Powers and Mark Uren. Screened on FOXTEL for over 3 years and was receiving more than one million views in the final year of screening on FOXTEL, and can still be seen on Channel 31 Me...
624 viewsProduced by Jon Powers and Mark Uren. Screened on FOXTEL for over 3 years and was receiving more than one million views in the final year of screening on FOXTEL, and still can be seen on channel 31 M...
718 viewsVideo For The Tribute Show by Jon Powers Mark Uren and Crew.
682 viewsAlso known as Bad Reputation. Recorded live at Musicland, Melbourne. Video by Mark Uren and crew. Recorded for, The Tribute Show.
2 viewsPART 1:- Featuring interviews with Australia's premiere Tribute Bands:- This episode we feature Poison Us and The Australian Bon Jovi Show from MUSICLAND Melbourne, Australia.